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Over the past few months, we have proudly made a large number of furniture pieces, both as part of complete interiors and in the form of custom-ordered individual furniture pieces. We have observed some key living trends. These trends are useful to know when considering having furniture made to your own design.
When drawing up a lighting plan for your interior, consider functional light, basic lighting and mood lighting. For example, opt for a hanging lamp with a dimmer, with which you can adjust the light to the activities at the table.
Have a table or coffee table made?
We make solid wooden tables from, for example, oak. From tree trunk tables to coffee tables; all tables are manufactured in our furniture factory in Leidschendam-Voorburg.
Want to order custom sofas and armchairs at De Stoof?
Combine a custom-made dining table with a chair or dining bench from a top brand, such as Harvink or Mobitec. Want to order custom sofas and armchairs at De Stoof? Design furniture that you can order from us has been selected to guarantee pleasant use for many years to come. Just like the choice of materials for the body, the cushions and the upholstery, seating comfort is very important. We are happy to advise you on the models of our design furniture manufacturers (such as Hofstede Raanhuis, Passe Partout or Baan).
Have kitchen cabinets and kitchen tables made?
We combine oak, cherry, walnut or ash wood with, for example, MDF or melamine faced boards. With our modern machines we are able to supply high-quality furniture for an affordable price.
Have linen closets and walk-in closets made?
A custom-made walk-in closet from us is an investment in your home and in your enjoyment of living. A walk-in closet increases the value of your home and it also offers a lot of storage space. You will do yourself a huge favor with this, both now and later. You can also match the style of your linen cupboard to the architectural style of your house.
Also look at interior construction for more inspiration.
Often, the desire for new furniture starts with a change in life situation. Think of buying a new house or redecorating to suit a new phase of life. Our customers then start looking for new furniture and discover our craftsmanship. We are regularly asked whether it is possible to make an appointment online. Experience shows that this does not work. We value personal contact and it is also nice to be able to show and feel examples, types of wood and colours. A click with the customer is very important to us and this has a positive effect on the design process.