Meubelmakerij De Stoof maakt meubels op maat voor kantoor en thuiswerken
Furniture for the office and workplace to fit your needs?

We make customized office furniture to suit your needs. The natural character of wood adds to the atmosphere and creates a feeling of hominess. Whether you need a desk, a conference table or a cosy table in the office restaurant, our team of experienced furniture makers will create a comfortable workplace for you.

W078NONO Meubelmakerij De Stoof kantoormeubel op maat laten maken Delft vergaderstoelen bureau
Van der Voort   werktekening 2
Creating your (dream)furniture

Often, the desire for new furniture starts with a change in life situation. Think of buying a new house or redecorating to suit a new phase of life. Our customers then start looking for new furniture and discover our craftsmanship. We are regularly asked whether it is possible to make an appointment online. Experience shows that this does not work. We value personal contact and it is also nice to be able to show and feel examples, types of wood and colours. A click with the customer is very important to us and this has a positive effect on the design process.

Portfolio of office and workplace